This should be a lesson - as 2010 was a lesson for Conservatives. You just can’t send conservatives to do the job where courageous and strident conservatives are needed. There are talkers and doers. Seems as what was elected was talkers and not doers.

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Unless these concerned caring conservative community members are going to put their own money where their mouth is and pay for the federal dollars that the district will lose by adhering to yur proposed exclusionary policies, they need to shut up. I am quite certain we won't see you homeschooling folks trying to cover school lunches when Bethel loses federal aid, not to mention the many grants they have been able to obtain. You need to worry about where the students LEARN not where they PEE.

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Meanwhile, in California...

This California School Board President is FIRE. Best 3 minutes of screen time all day!

Does your local school board have a President like this? Why not?


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