I believe in a prior post you stated that you could not find a law to support Social Emotional Learning in our schools. I did a FOIA request, and I did an actual search in health and wellness and could not fine such a law. What measures did you use?

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I am a lifetime Republican. Never voted otherwise. But now I think the Republican Party is going off base. They are not listening to their voters. The continued denial and ignoring of what voters are saying they want will hurt the party in the long run. Marijuana, abortion, drag shows, gerrymandering etc....these are NOT the most pressing concerns of the average American. Overspending and Immigration are HUGE issues that no one in the party has addressed since Trump. We are getting too right wing which is alienating the middle of the road Republicans. First time in my 62 years that I won't vote Republican if we can't get our focus on the right issues. Believe me, I have many many Republican friends of all races, creeds and yes, sexual orientation. They also think the party is turning too far right and questioning their future with the party. Time to wake up folks. The days of the white, religious zealots is over as a majority. We'll have a much better chance if we realize that and act appropriately. Otherwise, prepare for a future of more Republicans turning to the other side....

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Thank you Jessica for another insightful write up. As someone on the front lines of Election Integrity the amount of failures on many levels are mind blowing. Just the fact that Ohio has allowed DHS , CISA and some other nonprofits into our elections is concerning especially after Two reports release by the oversight committee on the Weaponization of the DHS and Big Tech against the American people.

Another huge concern is the fact that majority of Ohio counties uses Knowink pollbooks which uses a firmware ( Cisco Meraki MDM) This firmware along with many other products from CISCO had a major exploitation ( Hack) . This exploitation is noted for going back to approximately the middle of September but was not reported more fully until around Oct 18 I believe. When further looking into this matter Ohio appears to have contracts with Cisco and Solarwinds that could potentially exploit Ohio BMV. Speaking of Ohio BMV. This summer Ohio BMV had individuals identity stolen.

I do know that Miami County had issues with the Meraki firmware and reported they didn’t use. This bring up another concern. By the county disabling Meraki make the cert of the poll-book invalid. I don’t know the answer at this point. It is also concerning that CISCO is in litigation in California 9th district circuit court for potentially crimes against humanity dealing with CCP. Which was filed in July.

Also to let it be known that while having to vote provisional this November there was an issue with the Pollbook print out receipt. Thankfully the pollworkers were paying attention. Of course this was blamed on human error.

If you didn’t know , SEC files a lawsuit against Solarwind due to the practices that took place in 2020 during the largest cyber hack in United States history. This was filed at the end of October.

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The people have spoken with their vote. Politician job is to listen . We may not like the outcome but move on to other issues that can help the state.

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