On September 22, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) announced the “Commitment to America” plan to get the United States “back on track.” McCarthy’s plan is reminiscent of former Republican Speaker Newt Gingrich’s 1994 “Contract with America” proposal. McCarthy and other Republicans held an event on Friday, September 23, in Pittsburgh to officially roll out the plan.
Overall, the framework includes four components: the economy, national security, protection of freedoms, and government accountability. In the process of developing this framework, McCarthy solicited the feedback of each Republican caucus member. Their messaging aims to address crime, border security, parental rights in education, American energy independence, and funding for law enforcement. You can visit the website to watch the launch event.
Recommitment to Ohio
Getting Ohio Back on Track!
With the release of the Commitment to America, some party leaders are asking for a similar plan that is county and state specific. Why not adopt a Recommitment to Ohio pledge to get Ohio back on track? For example, this pledge could be adopted by the Ohio Republican Party and used as a framework for building a state platform to define what the State Party plans to accomplish. The Ohio Republican Party has adopted the national platform, but the federal platform is a set of national objectives, not Ohio's state-specific objectives.
When the Party focuses its efforts on a publicly stated platform for all to see, people expect to get things accomplished. You can measure the success of the Party, make judgments, and make changes if needed. If we never expect a promise to get something done with a contract or platform - we'll never get a promise, and not much will ever get done. This is why defining the Party and getting all of our legislators working together on the same issues is so important.
Is the tail wagging the dog?
Who is providing the direction for the party?
For the last 40 years Ohioans have been expected to blindly support Republican candidates that the State Central Committee endorses. The problem is that these candidates have been given no direction in the reforms needed to turn Ohio around.
Instead of the Party providing direction for the candidates through a state-based platform, the Party turns to the candidates for direction on issues & policies. While we don’t want any democrats in power, we have to return to representing the will of the people. What good is it to be a Republican if the party doesn’t reflect those principles and values that we hold dear?
It is critical that State Central Committee members change the way we have viewed our relationship with the the candidates and officeholders that we support. Just as it would make no sense for a manufacturer to have no say in the quality or condition of the product he is producing—it makes no sense for the Party to automatically endorse & support the product (candidates), but yet we have no say in the quality or condition of the product.
We should be seeking to provide vision and direction for our candidates and officeholders through the creation of a state-based platform. By supplying a vision for the party, we can build widespread passion for the party & start passing conservative policies into law.
The Ohio Republican Party has the potential to be so much more than just a marketing organization that wins elections. We have to start caring about the quality of our products (candidates).
Let’s encourage the State Central Committee members to adopt a vision and platform to make the party & the state more successful by creating passion for our products (candidates and conservative policies). We can bring comfort & reassurance back to Republican voters by creating a platform with specific policies that the party intends to pass or repeal. In this way, the party can hold our candidates accountable and focus its efforts on moving conservative legislation further down the field.
Leading the Way
A Vanguard for the People OR A Rubber Stamp for the Party Elite?
On September 24, 2022, the Texas GOP passed a resolution entitled Resolution to Support Parents, Schools, and District in Rejecting Harmful, Coercive, and Burdensome Gender Identity Policies and Protect School Lunch Programs and Federal Funding Subject to Title IX
Republican voters want Ohio’s Republican Party and the State Board of Education to courageously stand up and protect their parental rights. If the ORP is silent on this injurious issue, what does that say to voters?
Just as the Texas GOP has already done, the Ohio GOP could choose to pass a resolution that would undergird & bolster ongoing efforts to protect Ohio children.
If you would like to see the Ohio GOP support parents on this issue, please contact your State Central Committee members & urge them to pass a resolution that will support Ohio parents, schools, and Districts in rejecting gender identity policies.
Ohio State Board of Education
Proposed Resolution to Protect Ohio children from radical gender identity politics
Currently, conservative members of the Ohio State Board of Education are engaged in a all-out battle to protect Ohio students from harmful gender identity policies. They are working to pass a resolution that would support parents, schools and districts in rejecting harmful, coercive & burdensome gender identity policies. State School board members will be voting on the resolution on Wednesday, October 12th that will either protect children OR expose them to the Biden's Administration's radical Title IX regulations. More information can be found at this link.
What would exposure to Biden's Administration's regulations look like?
Allow biological males identifying as females to use the girls’ restrooms, play in girls’ sports, use girls’ locker & shower rooms.
Allow biological females identifying as males to use the boys’ restrooms, play in boys’ sports, use boys’ locker & shower rooms.
Students & Staff members can be accused of “sex-based harassment” if they refuse to use a student’s preferred name & pronouns.
Allows K-12 schools to socially transition minor children to a different gender without requiring parental notification or involvement.
Public schools, nonprofit private schools, and residential childcare institutions will be forced to choose between adopting gender identity policies or foregoing federal funding to provide subsidized free or reduced-price meals.
How can you help?
Support this resolution.
Provide written and/or oral testimony to the board. Public testimony can be highly impactful on board members' votes. View this parent letter written to the Ohio Press Network.
How to submit testimony of support to the state board of education:
Written testimony is received by sending an email to the board liaison Alex Goodman at SBOE@education.ohio.gov
Giving oral testimony means attending the state board meeting on Wednesday, October 12th, at 1pm in Columbus and speaking for up to 5 minutes to the board members. Submitting the oral testimony in writing in advance may be done which gives board members the opportunity to read it before the meeting but is not required.
Please sign the Citizens Petition Link in support of Shea's Resolution Title IX.
Issue 1 & Issue 2?
Ohio Constitutional Amendments on the 2022 Ballot
Many voters are still unfamiliar with two Constitutional Amendments that will be on the November Ballot. As we approach the final weeks before the election, it is important for voters to educate themselves on these issues so they can make an informed vote.
Justice Kennedy’s team has put together a short summary of Issue 1 at this link.
Issue 1 - Proposed Constitutional Amendment
To require courts to consider factors like public safety when setting the amount of bail. Proposed by Joint Resolution of the General Assembly to amend Section 9 of Article I of the Constitution of the State of Ohio
The proposed amendment would:
Require Ohio courts, when setting the amount of bail, to consider public safety, including the seriousness of the offense, as well as a person's criminal record, the likelihood a person will return to court, and any other factor the Ohio General Assembly may prescribe.
Remove the requirement that the procedures for establishing the amount and conditions of bail be determined by the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Issue 2 - Proposed Constitutional Amendment
To prohibit local governments from allowing non-electors to vote. Proposed by Joint Resolution of the General Assembly To amend Section 1 of Article V, Section 3 of Article X, and Section 3 of Article XVIII of the Constitution of the State of Ohio.
The proposed amendment would:
Require that only a citizen of the United States, who is at least 18 years of age and who has been a legal resident and registered voter for at least 30 days, can vote at any state or local election held in this state.
Prohibit local governments from allowing a person to vote in local elections if they are not legally qualified to vote in state elections.
Republicans in Action!
Miami County Republicans protest at the courthouse in late August shortly after the politically motivated raid on Trump’s personal residence. Some news sources claim the raid has motivated more Americans to turnout for the midterm elections.
According to Breitbart, “Over half of Democrats, 55.2 percent, said it will increase their motivation to vote, but an even greater number of Republicans, 83.3 percent, said it will motivate them to head the polls in November. Seven in ten independents, 71.7 percent, of said it will motivate them to vote in November as well.”
Members of Miami County Liberty & members of the Miami County Central Committee put together a letter addressed to Attorney General Yost regarding the FBI raid.
Dear Attorney General Yost, We are alarmed by the recent raid on President Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago on August 8th and are reaching out to you for support and protection. It appears that if this level of bureaucratic overreach can be used against our former President, that it will be used against the citizens of this country. The FBI is no longer a nonpartisan federal policing agency, it has transformed into a politicized weapon to be used against anyone who challenges its power structure. Some estimates are that half of American citizens do not trust the FBI. It is clear the agency is no longer serving the people. Some of their actions appear to be working against anyone who is a conservative. While we could fill pages highlighting the FBI’s inconsistencies with its administration of justice, that is not the purpose of our letter. Our purpose in reaching out to you is to ask what you can do as our chief law enforcement officer to protect Ohio citizens against overreach from federal law enforcement agencies. We would like to know what you can do to prevent the FBI from overstepping their statutory and constitutional authorities. What resources and cooperation might you withhold to protect Ohio citizens against a politicized FBI. We appreciate you taking the time to consider our concerns on this matter. We look forward to hearing your response to the questions we have posed.
Get Out the Vote!
It’s crunch time for our Republican candidates! There are many ways you can help to get out the vote from canvassing your neighborhood, putting out yard signs, volunteering at your county GOP headquarters, attending fundraising events, and becoming a poll worker or observer.
Please contact your county GOP to learn about upcoming get out the vote drives, events, and fundraisers.
Information on Poll Working & Poll Watching
Thank you Free Ohio Now for providing the following information on how to volunteer to be a poll worker or poll watcher.
For those of you who want to get involved by being a Poll Worker, please contact your county Board of Elections office as soon as possible! You will need to attend a training beforehand.
Volunteer to be a Poll Worker:
If you've voted, you know Election Day is run by Poll Workers, and now is your chance to get involved! Sign up to be a Poll Worker on Election Day by contacting your county board of elections by clicking here. It is typically a 12+ hour day, and you will be paid between $100 and $200 depending on your role, and more importantly you will learn how elections are run in your county!
Volunteer to be a Poll Observer:
Unlike Poll Workers, Poll Observers are trained and appointed by the individual political parties. They, too, work on Election Day, and are assigned by their party to polling locations typically within 30 minutes of their home. Their function is to observe the election process and help ensure election law and procedures are being followed. The training takes about an hour, there is no pay and the shifts on are typically for a half-day.
Contact Tom Hach for more information on being a Poll Observer and to schedule a time to get trained.